Computer Lab Care

Tags Lab Patrol

How the Computer Lab Care Team Can Help

The Computer Lab Care team is tasked with maintaining the cleanliness and usability of the following University computer labs:

AWC 220
BART 104
BART 213
BELL 224
BELL 226
BFA 223a
BRWN 207
DANL 203
DUNN 114
FNDH 167
FNDH 316
HEND 111
KITT 314
LEWS 101
LIBR Learning Commons
LSC 1133
MGYM 110
OKLY 202
OKLY 206
PRSC 226
RUC 112
RUC 262
RUC 381
TVCC Tech Village Computer Lab

The Computer Lab Care workers monitor lab supplies such as printer toner, paper and other consumables, as well as clean desks, sanitize computer peripherals, straighten chairs, etc.

If you are using a lab and a computer is having issues, the printer is out of toner, paper, experiencing an issue, or needs to be cleaned, please click Request Service to fill out a service request, and we will send someone out to assist.