What is TechExpress?
TechExpress is our campus portal. It gives you one-click access to campus resources. These include:
- Email
- iLearn
- Eagle Online
- Eagle Pay
- Handshake
- Wifi Access Key & more
Once you log into TechExpress, you have 12 hours of access to TnTech resources. If the browser is closed, then you will have to log back into TechExpress.
How do I access TechExpress?
You can access TechExpress at https://express.tntech.edu.
You may also go to https://tntech.edu and click the Express menu icon in the upper right of the window.
How do I use TechExpress?
To successfully log in, you must use your full email address (username@tntech.edu).
If it is your first time logging in, please follow the on-screen instructions to establish your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) methods.
When you successfully log in to TechExpress, you will see a screen similar to the one below:

The following images will show you where various menu options are located:
All QuickLinks
QuickLinks are shortcuts to various links related to TnTech



Under Preferences, you are able to toggle multiple features to personalize Tech Express.
The following images will show you where various express cards are located:
Favorite Quick Links

You can edit your favorite QuickLinks by clicking the Gear icon to the right of the screen and drag/drop your favorite QuickLinks to the top for easier access. Click the lock button when you are done to save your changes.
Student Profile

Class Schedule

My Advisor

Campus Calendar

Having issues with TechExpress?
Please see the related article on the right to submit a ticket with our ITS Help Desk or contact us at helpdesk@tntech.edu or at 931-372-3975, Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.
We're excited to launch the TnTech way to start your day and hope you enjoy TechExpress!