Recommended Computer Specs for Students


In order to help prepare students coming into their programs, several colleges have compiled lists of recommended computer specifications.

Recommendations by College

The following colleges provide recommendations and minimum specifications for the type of computer that will best serve you in that college's curriculum.

Before making the choice of Mac or PC, put careful consideration into your field of study & the types of software you will interact with over the course of your studies. Most times, this will settle the debate for you. For example, the College of Business, while it does also provide minimum specifications for a Mac device, the fine print states that the College of Business is PC-centric and many courses will require the use of software that is not available for Mac.

If you're unsure what to do, or your college is not listed below, the best course of action is to speak with your academic department.


Don't have access to a personal computer?

That's okay. We've got your back.

  • There are numerous computer labs on campus, several of which are available 24/7.
  • There is also the technology checkout service that is housed in the Volpe Library. There, you can check out a computer (Mac or PC) for use with your studies.
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Article ID: 112057
Thu 7/16/20 4:27 PM
Thu 7/13/23 2:23 PM